Saturday, March 23, 2019

Why God Had to Create Evil

It is logically demonstrably that by virtue of who God is, it was necessary that He create evil.

The Attributes of God
#1  God is Love

#2  God is perfect

#3  God is good.

#4  God is infinite (not actually correct -God is more than infinite but we can't understand that.

#5  God is unique. There is only one God and there can only be one God.

By virtue of what love is, it creates. Therefore God, by virtue of who He is created the universe and everything in it including angels, animals, and humans.

God is perfect, therefore everything he does must be done perfectly in the context of who God is.

God is good, not only is God good, but He is perfectly good.

By virtue of #1, God must create. God did not need to create in order to improve Himself, but He must create by the nature of what infinite love is.  If God had not created, His love would not have been infinite.

So, why didn't God create a perfect universe, one without evil?

God created man in His image, but not identical. If He had created man identically to Himself, man would be a clone of God and God would no longer be unique which would violate attribute #5.

But God is perfect, therefore must He create everything perfectly?
Because God is love he must create, but his creation must be accomplished in such a way that it does not violate any of His attributes. God created man perfectly but not perfect.  In order for God to create man in His image, while maintaining His uniqueness, He created man less than perfect.

Where is the proof?
Genesis 1:31
Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. KJV 

This verse tells us that God's creation was VERY good, but not perfect and, as God had not yet rested from creation He could have made it perfect if possible. It is arguable that God did not create evil, He merely created a universe where evil was not excluded. That will be taken up at another time.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Neil Degrasse Tyson fails BASIC physics problem

Note #1 Absolute pressure v. Gauge pressure -  What on earth is NDT talking about?  The effect on the pressure in a football due to a change in temperature is one of the easiest physics problems there is.  The formula is PV = nrT.  Solve for the change in P by dividing by V.  Everything but T is constant so the change in pressure is the ratio of the new temp. to the old temp.  If you fill the ball in a 90 degree room and take it to a 20 degree environment the pressure will be 22% lower in the ball.  If you start with 13#'s in the ball you would end with about 10#'s in the ball.

"It doesn't happen very often, but astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson was wrong this week. And like any good scientist, he's not afraid to admit it, correct it and explain himself.

"On Monday, the director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History took to Twitter in an attempt to deflate the New England Patriots' Deflategate excuse.

"Coach Bill Belichick had said atmospheric pressures and balls being transported from the warm indoors out onto a cold field could have caused them to lose enough pressure to fall below league standards. But Tyson tweeted that to lose as much pressure as the balls did, they would need to be inflated with 125-degree air.

"'My calculation used the well-known gas formula that relates pressure to temperature within a fixed volume,'" Tyson explained on Facebook on Tuesday. "Quite simply, the two quantities are directly and linearly related. e.g. Halve the temperature, you've halved the pressure. Triple the temperature, you've tripled the pressure."

"He wrote that his mistake was using absolute pressures instead of gauge pressures. Going by gauge pressures, the balls would need to be inflated with 90-degree air."Note #1

"'A delightfully moot point since neither temperature absolves the NE Patriots even as we all know that the NE Patriots, in their 45 to 7 victory over the Colts, would have won the game no matter the ball pressure," he wrote. "And, as far as I am concerned, the Patriots would have won that game even in the vacuum of space.'"

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Manuscript submission for The Habitation of Chimham Publishing

The Habitation of Chimham Publishing is a small independent book publisher.  We are a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association.

If you are a new author then you know that the only thing you nprio get your manuscript published is MONEY.  There are many businesses who will publish whatever they are sent if you pay their fees.   Chimham is different.
FIRST we read everything before we decide whether we will publish it and only quality material will be published.
SECOND we offer a standard royalty based contract, you do not need to pay hundreds of dollars in order to get you book in print.
THIRD we will provide full support to develop your cover at no charge.

WHY?  We were started to help new authors publish quality material.

We are building our brand.
If you have a quality manuscript, submit a one page synopsis to

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Moderating Comments

I regret that I have had to resort to reviewing comments before allowing them to be published.  I have no objection to contrary opinions but I will enforce the following rules:

1) No profanity, period.
2) No anonymous comments.
3) If you comment on my blog I must have access to all blogs, Facebook pages and online websites and organizations you are associated with.
4) I do NOT expect or require that you be respectful.