Gordon (an atheist) The vast majority of creationists have no idea how and why evolution works. Why we are here is a nonsensical question. To ask that you must first assert that we were placed here without asking the question who put us here in the first place. Can we know for certain that the spores for life were not sprinkled on earth by a passing alien spacecraft? No, it can not be asserted with certainty, doing so would be foolish. All evidence we have at the current point in time points to the case that life can be created from non-life under the correct conditions*. As for winning the abiogenesis debate, we are not quite there yet, but we are getting closer by the minute.
Arty (Creationist) I might ask you where the creatures in the passing spacecraft came from but I won't belabor that point, You understand that problem well enough or at least I hope you do.
Gordon: So, tell me, how many days did it take to create the universe?
Arty: Who knows, the Bible doesn't say.
Gordon: It does so, it says six days in Genesis 1.
Genesis 1:1 Before Time Started |
Arty: No, Genesis 1:1 says, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. That means He created everything in the beginning. The six days don't start running until verse 4. To ask when the universe was created in a meaningless question.
Gordon: No it isn't. Science has identified the creation as having taken place nearly 15 billion years ago.
Arty: Define what a year is?
Gordon: 365 days, 24 hours per day.
Arty: Scientifically speaking of course?
Gordon: Of course.
Arty; Actually, not scientifically. According to a solution Kurt Godel made to Einstein's field equations time is illusionary and Einstein agreed with him saying, ""For us believing physicists the distinction between the past, the present, and the future is only an illusion."
We can take this further and state that things do not become, they simply are. Time is like space. In traveling to Singapore, I do not bring Singapore into existence. I reach Singapore which was there before I started my trip. In the same sense I reach events in the future by displacing myself in time. I do not bring them into being. And if nothing is brought into being, there is no change. And if there is no change, there is no such thing as real time.
Modern cosmology posits that universe expanded from a primordial explosion called the Big Bang. If time had an origin, and a uniform measure, then we are again within the bounds of Newtonian physics and a universal clock, marking time throughout the cosmos. It is everywhere approximately 14 billion years after the Big Bang, and it is that time now.
Sloan Digital Sky Survey Telescope |
But a universe proceeding from nothing to nowhere by means of an enthusiastic expansion is only one possibility. There are others - for example: A rotating universe. In Gödel's conception everything in the universe goes along for the ride. As the galaxies rotate they drag space and time with them. So, just as an expanding universe blows up space and time, a rotating universe turns space and time around in spirals. In that solution, there is no real time.
It seems to me that the cavalier dismissal of creationists theories of the timeline of creation are upended if not destroyed by the very science which the atheist use to attack creationists.
Einstein and Godel |
BTW Einstein once said that he went to Princeton chiefly to spend time with Godel. His exact words, in the original German quote were, ("Um das Privileg zu haben, mit Gödel zu Fuss nach Hause gehen zu dürfen." The privilege of walking home with Godel.
*TAT will address this in a future post.
This has been a vastly simplified introduction to a complex subject. We can get into the specifics if necessary.
Reference to:
Einstein and Godel, by David Berlinski, Discovery Magazine, March 2002.
There's Something about Godel, Francesco Berto, 2009
A World Without Time, The ForgottYurien Legacy of Godel and Einstein by Palle Yourgrau
Godel, Escher, Bach, by Douglas Hofstadter.
Is the Universe Spinning? Ray Villard. Discovery News, July 8, 2011.
[A sample of over 15,000 galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey* - looking northward, above the plane of the Milky www. found that more than half of the spirals were spinning in a counterclockwise direction. The odds of this being purely due to chance are a one in a million. Further, if the whole universe is rotating, then galaxies on the opposite part of the sky, below the galactic plane, should be whirling in a clockwise direction. And according to a separate 1991 study spiral galaxies in the southern galactic hemisphere do just that.]ample of over 15,000 galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey* - looking northward, above the plane of the Milky www. found that more than half of the spirals were spinning in a counterclockwise direction. The odds of this being purely due to chance are a one in a million. Further, if the whole universe is rotating, then galaxies on the opposite part of the sky, below the galactic plane, should be whirling in a clockwise direction. And according to a separate 1991 study spiral galaxies in the southern galactic hemisphere do just that.]
*Kevin's favorite.